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Together, we're building a community of strong hearts!
You are not alone.
Hi, I'm Susan Strong.
If you've had a challenging
diagnosis, WELCOME.
It's is my wish that you find encouragement, inspiration,
useful information, and a
generous sense of hope from the resources here at www.strongheartnow.
If you're looking for helpful information and that deep recognition of "that's exactly how I feel!"--click on my blog and read a few posts. One of the greatest gifts we give one another is knowing we're not alone, especially when the road gets rocky and we're feeling afraid.
We can do this.
From my heart to yours,
Featured Article:
Decades After Diagnosis:
The Unrecognized Trauma of Surviving
Susan was honored to have her poignant essay published in JACC:CardioOncology (Journal of American College of Cardiology). Diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma at 17, Susan vividly describes the experience of discovering that her heart valve disease was a late effect of the radiation treatments that saved her life in 1983.
Click here to read the essay.
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